Childrens' Books

My first book ‘Minkill Chases the Rainbow’ was written and illustrated by myself in 2011 and published by OneDayHill in 2012.
An important part of being Aboriginal is knowing your ‘Mob’, What is your identity? Where do you come from?
That is one of the main themes for this book,
Minkgill, (means ‘star’ in Kirrae Whurrong Language) falls out of the sky. Not remembering where he came from he wanders the Earth searching for where he belongs, but he feels lost and sad until he comes across a rainbow. He follows the rainbow walking up it. It turns out to be the Rainbow Serpent, (the Rainbow Serpent is an important immortal spiritual being/God for my people, who created the rivers and mountains). As Minkgill reaches near to the end the Rainbow ,Serpent raises his head and lets Minkgill know who he is and sends him back to the stars, for all to wish upon.
This book has been adopted happily by many children now as their favourite and I have presented it in quite a few towns in Western Victoria and across Melbourne, in Child Care Centres, Kindergartens and primary schools.
I am now writing my second book titled, ‘The Rainbow Serpent is Coming’ and I will tell you what it is about when it is released later this year.